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  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society

  • Memorial University, Newfoundland

  • NYU (College of Arts and Sciences, History Department, and the Asian-Pacific American Institute)

  • Pitzer College-Community Engagement Center

  • University of South Dakota

  • The University of California, Berkeley

  • Yale University-Office of Alumni Affairs


  • American Ethical Union

  • American Planning Association

  • Laguna Language POV

  • Museum of the City of New York

  • Museum of Boulder

  • New York Renews

  • Telluride Institute

  • The Language Conservancy/Lakota Language Consortium

  • Whitney Museum of American Art



"Mr. Chavolla’s presentation was invaluable for helping us learn the politics and structural racism behind things that seemed innocent at first, such as the differences between tolerance, inclusion and equity. But the workshops and one-on-one sessions with university deans and leaders was where we really benefited—we were shown how white privilege and power dynamics aren’t just about individual choices and actions but part of institutions, and now we have concrete tools to identify and deal with them in our spaces, allowing us to be more accountable to our goals and values." 

-Max Libiron

Associate Vice President

Memorial Unviversity, Newfoundland


“Dr. Marissiko Wheaton transforms the work-place for the better with her acute ability to bring people into caring and valued community. She is an incredible creative partner, motivating her coworkers to be at the ‘learning edge.’ She ensures that her work as a facilitator, consultant, and researcher critically contributes to meaningful social justice change. As her colleague, I am forever grateful for her partnership and transformative vision."


-Esmeralda A. Hernandez-Hamed

Race & Equity Center


"Merete, has spent her professional career dedicated to advocacy and racial justice! I’ve known Merete for several years and have worked closely on projects she designed and spearheaded.  She has the strong ability to assess challenges and create solutions with lasting impact.  Merete is a gift and it is an absolute honor to know and work with her. It has been an amazing experience watching Merete live out her goals and aspirations with fervor and dedication."


-Khourin Wilkins

National Urban League

© 2019 by The Black and The Red Consulting Group.

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